The breath and body offer an ever-present focus that we can use to reconnect us with the present, to gather and settle the mind, and to ease ourselves from states of ‘driven-doing’ into those of ‘mindful-being’.
Session 3 - Gathering the Scattered Mind
This week we....
Practiced a 5 minute hearing exercise
Practiced Mindful Stretching
Considered 'Finding an Anchor in the Body' when communicating with others.
Reflected on the home practice for Week 2
Practiced a sitting meditation (Awareness of the Breath and Body)
Considered the Unpleasant Experience's Calendar (part of Week 3 home practice)
Set Home Practice Invitation
Home Practice
Before starting this week's home practice, please read through the session notes by clicking on the notepad icon below. These notes will provide you with some background information, and some hints and tips to support your home practice. There is also a record sheet that you can print off to keep notes of your experiences of the practices.
Scroll down to access the Guided Practice Recordings
This week's home practice:
This week we use some formal practices that involve movement. If you have any neck, back or other health difficulties that may be made worse by these stretches and postures, please make your own decisions as to which (if any) of the movements to do.
A Formal Practice:
Practise some Mindful Stretches (10 minutes) followed by a Mindfulness of the Breath and Body Meditation (10 minutes).
There is also longer combined Stretch & Breath Practice (30 minutes) and a Mindful Movement Practice (floor-based yoga) for you to try if you have time.
An Informal Practice:
Begin to notice unpleasant experiences.
Pause and bring awareness to one unpleasant experience that arises each day. Use this as an opportunity to become really aware of the sensations, feelings, thoughts, and impulses that arise, at the time. Use the record sheet on the next page to make a note of your observations. You will also be invited to continue this practice throughout the rest of the course.
A New Habit in everyday Life:
Find an Anchor in the Body: Conversation Practice - keeping the body in mind when listening and speaking.
Continue with the Five-Finger Gratitude Practice - maybe even extending this to Ten-Fingers!
Continue taking some time-out from your mobile phone each day.
To find out more about why we suggest these practices, follow this link.