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Workplace Wellbeing


We cannot always control what happens at work, but we can choose how we respond to it.

To cope effectively with work stress as an individual requires you to pause long enough to look at your situation with clarity

Session 1 - Being Present

This week we....

  • Practiced pausing and being present

  • Discussed the group guidelines

  • Considered some basic truths about work

  • Considered how our own mind and body states might affect our perception and experience of work

  • Practiced Mindfulness of Body and Breath ​ 

  • Considered and practised Appreciation

  • Got creative together

Home Practice Suggestions

If you would like to continue practising some of the mindfulness meditation practices we shared during the session, please read through suggestions below and click on the audio links. The session handout also provides some background information, and some hints and tips to support your home practice. 

Scroll down to access the Guided Practice Recordings

Pausing and Being Present

A short practice to help you to arrive in the present by pausing and noticing your experience.

Body Scan Practice

Reconnect with your body and your present moment experience whilst developing concentration, calm and flexibility of attention. You may begin to notice just how normal the chatterings and wanderings of the mind are. With curiosity and gentleness you can encourage the mind to return to your chosen focus.

Mindfulness of an Everyday Activity

Bring mindfulness into your daily life by choosing one routine activity in your daily life and make a deliberate effort to bring moment-to-moment awareness to that activity each time you do it. Possibilities include waking up in the morning, brushing your teeth, showering, drying your body,  getting dressed, eating a meal or a snack, taking out the rubbish, shopping, and so forth. Just like during the raisin exercise, ‘zero in’ on knowing what you are doing as you are doing it. Notice body sensations, thoughts and feelings as they arise.


Five Finger Gratitude Practice

Bring to mind five things for which you are grateful, counting them on your fingers and opening to and savouring the sensations of gratitude in the body as  best you can.

To find out more about why we begin with these practices, follow this link.

Session Notes


Raisin Practice Notes


Guided Practice: Mindfulness of Body & Breath

Male Voice

Sitting practice_edited_edited.png

Group Guidelines


Gratitude Practice Notes


Guided Practice: Mindfulness of Body & Breath

Female Voice (Jo)

Copy of Sitting practice_edited_edited.png
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